Bamoun commemorative Statue of a King embroided with European glassbeads.Bamoum People,Cameroon.
20th Century
Wood,organic material, glass beads
35 x 14 x 12 cm
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Statue commémorative présentant un roi debout, les mains posées sur le menton en signe de sagesse. Son ventre exprime un concept d'abondance et de bienséance. Son visage recouvert de cuivre...
Statue commémorative présentant un roi debout, les mains posées sur le menton en signe de sagesse. Son ventre exprime un concept d'abondance et de bienséance. Son visage recouvert de cuivre montre une expression puissante et hiératique dont le regard est légèrement dirigé vers le ciel. Il porte sur la tête une excroissance semi-sphérique associée à son rang. Cette statue effigie représente un personnage de la cours ou le roi lui-même. Elle est recouverte de perles tubulaires rouges et bleues d'une grande ancienneté. Celles-ci furent fabriquées en Moravie au XVIIIème siècle et au début du XIXème. Malheureusement, cette oeuvre étant peu documentée il est mal aisé de l'attribuer à un roi ou un dignitaire en particulier. Son visage est recouvert feuilles de laiton comme il est souvent d'usage sur les oeuvres de ce type. Bois, laiton, fibres végétales, perles de traite d'importation, ancienne patine d'usage.
Commemorative statue depicting a king standing with his hands resting on his chin as a sign of wisdom. His belly expresses a concept of abundance and propriety. His face, covered in copper, shows a powerful and hieratic expression with his gaze slightly directed towards the sky. He wears a semi-spherical protrusion on his head, associated with his rank. This effigy statue represents a member of the court or the king himself. It is adorned with ancient red and blue tubular beads. These were manufactured in Moravia in the 18th century and early 19th century. Unfortunately, due to the limited documentation of this work, it is difficult to attribute it to a specific king or dignitary. His face is covered with sheets of brass, as is often the case with works of this type. Materials include wood, brass, plant fibers, and imported trade beads, with an old patina from use.
Commemorative statue depicting a king standing with his hands resting on his chin as a sign of wisdom. His belly expresses a concept of abundance and propriety. His face, covered in copper, shows a powerful and hieratic expression with his gaze slightly directed towards the sky. He wears a semi-spherical protrusion on his head, associated with his rank. This effigy statue represents a member of the court or the king himself. It is adorned with ancient red and blue tubular beads. These were manufactured in Moravia in the 18th century and early 19th century. Unfortunately, due to the limited documentation of this work, it is difficult to attribute it to a specific king or dignitary. His face is covered with sheets of brass, as is often the case with works of this type. Materials include wood, brass, plant fibers, and imported trade beads, with an old patina from use.
Collection privée ,Belgique .Certificat Serge Reynes dd 16/07/2014
Afrique Noire,Laure Meyer, édition Terai, Paris 1991, page 68 fig.50 pour une oeuvre de ce type conservee dans les reserves du Musée de l'Homme.Courtesy of Spectandum
Copyright The Artist